Investment Platform Case Study

Our Role for Globinvest

  • Concept developmen
  • Information Architecture
  • UI/UX Design

A lasting difference in fund administration

Globinvest is one of the oldest Romanian companies in the field which successfully managed to withstand the financial crisis of 2008.

Investment Platform

Diving into the realm of research

We carefully analyzed the user types and behaviours to then immerse into the specifics of the financial markets. That’s how we spotted the most relevant information for successful investors.

is bliss

We carefully planned the sitemap to cover a great deal of legally required elements. The result was a whole new structure with a logical flow.


We focused on structuring, organizing and labelling
content in the most effective way to help users
find information effortlessly.

Adding digestibility to finance

We transformed the challenging pieces of information into responsive tables, pie charts and indices

Simplicity is the key

A smooth user experience required easy navigation, so we replaced the excessive data by readable and practically organized information.

Visual styling is a game-changer

Creating a perfect user interface in this field was not an easy job, but we focused on keeping it simple for everyone, so we ended up with a clean approach, yet beautifully designed.